Sterling International Services

In-depth Evaluations

We conduct highly detailed evaluations of organizations that can include onsite inspections, staff interviews, customer interviews, focus groups and document reviews. Our objective is to provide guidance to organizations in achieving sustainable performance excellence

Consulting and Advisory Services

Through our evaluations, we may be able to identify shortcomings or gaps in an organization’s operations. We can often provide consulting and advisory services to help rectify any issues uncovered

Connection to Qualified Consultants

When necessary, we refer qualified, vetted specialists to an organization to fill knowledge gaps and accelerate progress toward its goals.


We provide training to an organization’s executives to help them in areas such as: culture transformation, process improvement, organizational planning, stakeholder satisfaction and workforce development


The Sterling International Ambassador program is an intensive professional growth opportunity in which participants learn the best practices of high-performing organizations and gain hands-on training in applying their methods. They also develop their leadership, communication, analytical and interpersonal skills to become capable leaders